My New Year Resolutions 2022

My New Year Resolutions 2022

My New Year Resolutions
New Year is coming soon and everyone is excited to start a new version of themself. In order to do that most people would think of their new year resolutions. A New Year resolution is a list of things that you wanna improve or continue to do to improve yourself. I wanna share my list to inspire others to make their own list.

Eat Healthy
I feel like I have been eating a lot of unhealthy food recently. I want to eat more healthily. A healthy diet can improve my health and it can clear my skin. I also want to try different fruits and veggies I haven’t tried, like dragon fruit. I feel like eating healthy would help my health a lot.

I’ve been really lazy lately. I need to move or go outside more. Exercising daily can make your body healthier and it can also lower the risk of catching disease. It can also help a person age well. During times like this with the virus and everything, it’s better to keep your body healthy and working properly. I wanna try to at least walk more and go outside.

I always sleep very late and wake up very late too. It’s been bothering me in the daytime making me very tired. Sleeping is an essential function of the body, it helps your body and mind recharged from all the stuff you did in the daytime. Sleep also keeps the body healthy and lowers the risk of you catching diseases. I wanna try to sleep more and on time next year.

Be A Better Sister
I am about to have a new brother. So, I want to try to buy him stuff. TwinkyLuxyDress has really beautiful outfits for newborns. They are really pretty and elegant. They also have E-Gift Card so I can just give this for his baby shower or birthday. The gift cards range from 25$ all the way to 250$.

Learn To Cook More Foods
I already know the basics of cooking but I want to learn how to cook more foods. I mostly want to learn how to cook desserts and pastries. I really like sweets and instead of buying sweets I want to cook them myself and try to learn from the experience.

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